Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Monday May 23:

We woke up and had breakfast at the Bali Hotel, shortly after that we began our walk to a meeting with Josh, head of the FCA in South Korea. In the meeting he explained exactly what we would be doing, who would be going to each of the various locations, and what our jobs as followers of Christ are. After the meeting we had lunch at a little family owned Korean restaurant, that owner of the place was an Olympic champion in shooting. She was kind enough to allow the team to take pictures with her. The food we were served was a soup with various meats mixed in and was originally made for the United States Army soldiers who were stationed here.

After lunch we had a little time to go back to the hotel and get ready to go wrestle. Our first wrestling practice we went to the Korean National Sports University, which takes the top three athletes from each sport and allow them to attend the university tuition free. The athletes at the University were extremely friendly and spoke broken english however it made wrestling much easier and allowed us to bond with our fellow athletes. Practice was structured similar they cheer each other on the entire time and challenge each other just like our wrestling team does. I believe the coming days will allow us to take the sport of wrestling and further God's plan through athletics and hopefully help lead these young men to Christ.

Jared Wehrmann (Class of 2019)

South Korea is an interesting place. Every time we walk out of the hotel we learn something new. Our experience here has been pretty awesome and even though we only have wrestled with the wrestlers at the university once we have already developed a bond with them. It is amazing to see how the sport of wrestling can establish an unspoken connection between individual athletes. Starting these relationships and meeting these people through wrestling has been opening up doors. Some of them we can see and some we can not but we know love is growing in this area and God is working in people's hearts. As long as we continue to reflect Jesus in all that we do we know amazing things will happen.

Vctor DeFrance (Class of 2019)

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