Thursday, May 26, 2016

Wednesday May 25, 2016

During the morning debrief, we got to hear from Jeremy Bailes, Karrington Washington, and Matt Darok. We got to hear from them how doors are opening among all the groups we are sending out. We are telling others about FCA, sharing testimonies, and showing others how we love each other as teammates.

After some morning downtime, my group got to go to the National Training center where we were able to wrestle with the best wrestlers in the country of South Korea. Some of which have lived at the training center as long as 18 years. This was an opportunity that many people will never get to do and I will never forget and am so thankful for. The wrestling on this trip has been humbling and amazing, as I have been taken down, taken others down, and been thrown through the air.

After practice, we were able to eat at the National Training Center with some of the athletes we wrestled with. Eating (more) duck soup, raw beef, octopus and a few other different foods, I think it was the best meal I have eaten so far. When we were done with dinner, we were welcomed to join the church service at training center. The worship was really fun, involving us in dancing and simple lyrics so that we were able to keep up. We were doing conga trains throughout the room and using simple hand motions. They made the joke our job was to clap during the korean songs. The pastor then spoke on 2 Kings 5: 1-4. She challenged everyone to preach the gospel everywhere that we go and through any way that we can at all times. She challenged us to continue to pursue what the Holy Spirit is asking of us and told us that she looks forward to us finding our callings, and for us to remember that God is always with us wherever we go.

To end the service, we were praying Korean style. This was one of the most passionate God moments I think I've ever experienced. The crazy part was is that I could not understand what they were saying. When they pray "Korean Style" everyone prays at the same time, they play music and are what I could only describe yelling out to God. There was praying in Korean, English and what seemed to be praying in tongues (I do not know enough about it to say either way but it was like nothing I have ever heard).

At the end of the service, Coach Brunk was able to give a testimony and talk about our goal as Christian Athletes. He talked to the service with a translator about how our goal is to win, but our purpose is to be prepared to be the aroma of Christ whether we win, come dangerously close, or fail entirely. After we were welcomed to the front of the service to sing our team competition song, I Will Glorify the Lord, and lead the service in the song as well. With the translator Coach Brunk explained we sing it after all competitions whether we win or lose. We then were able to pray for the athletes in the service and went back to our hotel for the night.

This whole trip so far has been an outstanding experience and has been just as beneficial to myself and our team as anyone we have contacted here which is more than I ever could have expected. I am so excited for the remainder of this trip and what is in store for us when we return.

Nick Havener (Class of 2017)

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